High-quality snowplow blades to protect the roadway and runway.
The low-noise GK5 blade is made of rubber with ceramic inserts. Thanks to the elastic materials and clever design, the GK5 adapts perfectly to every paved surface. Therefore it is the ideal solution for removing snow in areas that require protection of the pavement and the snowplow. Because it is the only rubber blade that won’t jump when used on dry surfaces it is an absolute must for operations. The highly elastic materials, embedded ceramic inlays and specially curved steel fastening neck ensure excellent results. All the while protecting the surface of the road and cleaning it very well.
Ceramic is the second hardest mineral in the oxide category, making it especially suited for use as an inlay in highly abrasion-resistant snowplow blades. The ceramic molded parts are produced specifically for our various types of blades.
The grades of rubber in the GK5 were developed to meet demading road conditions. As a result, this extremely wear-resistant, flexible and elastic material effectively adapts to changes in the road surface.
No jumping on dry paved road surfaces!
The construction features a core of flexible ceramic inlays, making the blades more elastic which keeps them from jumping and rattling. Likewise, the steel fastening neck keeps this easy to mount blade from flipping under the plow. GK5: Blades to protect the roadway and runway.
Kueper North America strongly recommends testing GK5 over in-pavement lights prior to use.
- Caster wheel and plow height must be adjusted accordingly, as a result it will maximize the efficiency of the blade, while reducing opportunities for damaging in pavement light housings.
- In pavement light mounting and operation must comply with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-46. Specification for Runway and Taxiway Light Fixtures 03/02/2016 in order to use Kueper Plow Blades.
- Using cast iron plow rings around in pavement lights is strongly recommended.
- New or replaced in pavement lights must be re-checked against FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-46 prior to continued plowing operation.
Mounting Instructions
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